Roma Medical Webinar Registration Open!

Registration is now open for Roma Medical's new webinar. The virtual event will begin on Thursday 13th July at 2pm with the topic of supporting mobilisation by using the right chair. 

The webinar will be presented by our very own Sharon Rindsland, Moving and Handling Senior Coordinator at East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust and NBE Conference Director. 

Sharon Rindsland on supporting mobilisation by using the right chair:

As manual handling professionals, we invest a lot of effort in examining what's crucial to staff safety and figuring out how to lower MSDs. We are completely aware of how crucial it is to keep our patients active and the negative effects that could result in their deconditioning if we don't.

I'd like to think that after doing this job for so long, I have a solid understanding of the tools we'll need.

After conducting an audit on our chair, I realised just how wrong I had been. I'm not referring to the chair that our therapist recommends; rather, I'm referring to the regular chair by the bed.

Come and share my experience by logging onto the webinar to see what I have found, and what I am intending to do going forward to ensure compliance as one chair does not fit all.


The event is anticipated to run for about 1hr 15 mins including Q & A time.

Register Here

Please note that you will receive your own unique link to join the webinar via Zoom once your registration has been approved. This link can be used by one individual attendee and is intended for the use of the individual NBE member who registers to attend.

Registration will close at 1:00pm on Thursday 13th July.